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Sincerely (2022)

6 min   |   In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles  |  Non-fiction

This is a sincere blessing for my friend, who is fighting against cancer.  I share with him all the beautiful things in Hong Kong by showing him the videos of tramways, street views, and sea views. All of these beauties are shining with the light of life as a sincere blessing for you, my strong friend.


Student Filmmakers: 

You Zhou,

Gao Zili,

Wang Xiaoqi,

Li Yuxin

(Semester 2, 2021/2022)


Artist Statement:

"I captured mostly the living cityscape, hoping it can bring power and courage to my sincere friend and the audience."


Thanks for submitting!

© 2019 - 2024 | CCHU9070 Making Movies: Creative Expression on Screen, School of Humanities and Common Core, HKU

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