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Death of the Author (2020)

9 min   |   In English  |  Fiction


“For a writer, life consists of either writing or thinking about writing.”- Eugene Ionesco. This film is about exactly what we don’t write: the thoughts and boulders that come before a pen is ever picked up. Death of The Author is an existential piece that explores the writer’s block and beyond. If an artist refuses to entertain, how does the questions they ask themselves change? How do we negotiate who we are and who we should be? Will these questions ever end? We guarantee many, many thoughts, poetic or not, but never answers....


Student Filmmaker: 

Wong Hei Ching

(Semester 1, 2020/2021)


Artist Statement:

"I wanted to write about writing, as all writers reverently long to, about how utterly terrifying it is and how you still do it. If you are watching, I thank you for being gentle with a small, quiet moment in my stumbling life."


Thanks for submitting!

© 2019 - 2024 | CCHU9070 Making Movies: Creative Expression on Screen, School of Humanities and Common Core, HKU

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