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A Birthday Wish (2023)

8 min   |  In English   |  Fiction


Thomas sees Sophie on his commute to university. He instantly falls in love with her but
cannot muster up the courage to ask her on a date. That night, as he blows out his candle, he wishes to go back in time to the beginning of the day so that he has another chance. The day rewinds and he devises a plan to speak with her. Will he manage to ask her out before his birthday luck runs out?


Student Filmmakers:

Fung Lok Yi

O Chun Yin

Helena Schroeder

Aamara Telleria Lambkin

(Semester 1, 2023/2024)



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© 2019 - 2024 | CCHU9070 Making Movies: Creative Expression on Screen, School of Humanities and Common Core, HKU

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