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J (2021) 

7 min   |   In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles   |  Fiction

J (2021) 


Three good friends are all struggling with their essays, and they represent different kinds of  students when facing difficulties. Some students may choose to work hard and solve the problem by themselves. Some students may choose to solve the problem by some illegal ways. Some students may try to work hard at first, but they could not resist the temptation and make some unforgivable mistakes at last. The different ways the students choose to tackle the problem lead to different outcomes of their grades.


Student Filmmakers:

Chen Huixiang,

Qian Yunzhi,

Ren Ruiqian,

Sun Mayuan

(Semester 2, 2020/2021)


Artist statement: 

"Decision-making plays a very important role in life.  In the film there is a scenario involving "angel and devil". It is quite normal that each one has had dark thoughts in mind not unlike the devil, while one should know what choices one makes. Let's hesitate a little longer before making a choice. Don't let this choice bring regrets."




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© 2019 - 2024 | CCHU9070 Making Movies: Creative Expression on Screen, School of Humanities and Common Core, HKU

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