No! (2024)
10 min | In Mandarin with Chinese and English Subtitles | Fiction
Angel has always been a good kid in everyone's eyes. She gets good grades, follows
her parent's instruc<ons, wins many awards, and joins an excellent company. She
should have had a good life, but beneath her perfect facade, the endless work, the
rivalry between colleagues, her parents' indifference, the hobbies she was forced to
give up, the dreams her parents did not understand, and the unspoken rejection was
about to crush her.
Until she meets a friend she has not seen for a long <me, who chooses to pursue her
dreams instead of following her parents' wishes. Her words make Angel rethink her
life. Should she continue to be the perfect girl for everyone, or should she reject
everyone to do the things she wants? What choices will she make?
Student Filmmakers:
MA Yiwen
QIAN Linxin
CHOW Lok King
HU Mingyi
(Semester 2, 2023/2024)